I'm a senior software engineer at Apple, where I design and create custom
Formally, I was a research engineer and software developer at the
Neuroscience Research Institute and
in the Physics Department at the
University of California at Santa Barbara.
There, I contributed to a number of projects as a member of
Paul Hansma's Lab
Kenneth Kosik's Lab.


Developer of vim-markdown-runner, a vim plugin that transforms your markdown files into interactive notebooks.
- Vimscript

MEA Viewer
Developer of MEA Viewer, software for visualizing electrophysiological recordings from multi-electrode arrays.
- Python
- Cython
- OpenGL Shading Language

Time Lapse Assembler
Developer of Time Lapse Assembler, software for assembling time lapse movies from a sequence of images.
- Objective C
Developer of tlassemble, the command line version of Time Lapse Assembler.
- Objective C

Developer of sermon, a command line based serial monitor/transmitter.
- Python
Instrument Development

Neural Circuit Probe
Co-inventor and lead software developer of the Neural Circuit Probe, an instrument for interacting with neural circuits grown on a multi-electrode array.
- Swift
- Objective-C
- C
- Python

Osteoprobe Bone Diagnostic Instrument
Co-inventor and lead software developer of the Osteoprobe, a device for measuring bone strength in vivo.
- C
- Python
- Android (Java)

Earthquake Engineering
Experimental test-bed creation for developing novel actuators for structural stabilization during earthquakes.
- LabView
Visualizations, Web, and Graphic Design

Action Potential Propagation (d3.js)
Developer of an animation visualizing action potential propagation down an axon as recorded by a multi-electrode array.
- d3.js

Wordpress Theme Development
Developer of custom Wordpress themes.

UC Santa Barbara Physics Laboratory Manual Design
Graphic designer of laboratory manuals used by over 5,000 students a year.
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Photoshop